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martes, 7 de diciembre de 2010

Move base: comments on particle cloud part II

I have figured out a transform tree that avoids the previously displayed warn:

Dropped 100.00% of messages so far. Please turn the [ros.costmap_2d.message_notifier] rosconsole logger to DEBUG for more information.

What I did was the following:

1. Run the Ariaoriginal node.
2. For the odom->base_link->base_scan tf I used Pablo's tf, the one I have previously used for mapping.
3. Run gmapping in order to make the tf map-> removing the scan:=base_scan parameter.
4. Run move_base.launch.
5. Run rviz.

The actual problem is that the robot's footprint isn't positioned when I click the 2DPose Estimate button. The conflict according to rviz is that the messages from the particlecloud topic aren't being received. In order to diagnose the problem I

1.Run rostopic info in order to know more about the particlecloud topic.

2. Run rxgraph and verify that the node is actually establishing communication between amcl and rviz. I am not sure if move_base should be involved as well.

3. I run rostopic echo particlecloud and nothing is displayed meaning that, in fact, no messages are being published.

I now have to inquire on the nature of this topic.

The final observation I have is that what stopped the Dropped messages warn from being displayed was that I dind't run the sicklms topic which I thik shouldn't be happening since the localization might use information from the laser as the tf tree includes it's frame. I might be wrong, however, and discover that only odometry is needed.

Standard Units of Measure and Coordinate Conventions on ROS

I found a useful link concerning measurement conventions on ROS: http://www.ros.org/reps/rep-0103.html.

This link talks about the convention of coordinate frames: http://www.ros.org/reps/rep-0105.html

lunes, 6 de diciembre de 2010

Move base: comments on particle cloud

The robot's footprint is correctly being displayed in rviz.

The particle cloud isn't. The warning message displayed indicates no messages are being received. However, when displaying rxgraph, we can observe that the topic particle cloud is being published by amcl and rviz is subscribing to it.

Here is the result of displaying the roswtf debug tool where we can observe that the topic /particlecloud isn't disconnected:

Suddenly, the following error was displayed by the move_base node and was shown as well in rxconsole:

Move_base: Comments on map_server

According to the tutorial Using rviz with the navigation stack: http://www.ros.org/wiki/navigation/Tutorials/Using%20rviz%20with%20the%20Navigation%20Stack

The map should be displayed by the nav_msgs::GetMap service. However, the message displayed by the map service in rviz with the configuration I am running is nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid. This message is published by the map_server node.

I don't really think this is a problem however. The map is still displayed in rviz and the move_base node identifies it and accepts it.

Another conflict I had at the beginning was that running gmapping during the process caused the current laser's view to be displayed instead of the .png map. I couldn't stop running this node since it is in charge of the map-odom transform. My solution to the problem was to eliminate the scan:=base_scan parameter from my launch file.

Now, the .png map is being displayed.