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miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011

Verifying network connection with Player/Stage

1. This is the cfg file that includes the p2os driver:

name "p2os"
provides ["position2d:0" "power:0" "sonar:0"]
port "/dev/ttyUSB0"
safe 1

2. I first connected Pio to lola and verified the functionality of both the cfg file and the playerjoy interface. Everyting worked fine.

$ robot-player pio.cfg
$ robot-playerjoy

3. I then ran the playerjoy interface on XPS including lola's IP and the port to which player listens (6665). And once again, everything worked just fine.

(on XPS) $ robot-playerjoy

4. I then inverted roles and ran the cfg file on XPS. I verified playerjoy's functionality both in XPS and lola and the following error message was being displayed:

create and bind socket():bind() failed; socket not created.: Adress already in use player.

5. By reading forums I figures out that perhaps the problem had to do with the firewall so I enabled in ins XPS and enables access of both hosts to port 6665.

On XPS ( which had the problem:

$sudo ufw enable
$sudo ufw alow proto tcp from port 6665.
That solved the problem
6. Now I have to figure out if ROS' issues have to do with the firewall as well, but I am not sure
in which default port does it listens. It is perhaps 11311 

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