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miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011

Camera calibration

Today I ran the cameracalibrator configuration file. I had to make some modifications to it due to the node I am using to communicate with the camera.

First, I verified that the camera's topics were being published.

$rostopic list


I then modified the node in the cameracalibrator.py file:

In line 128 instead of camera node we place usb_cam node:

        self.set_camera_info_service = rospy.ServiceProxy("%s/set_camera_info" % rospy.remap_name("camera"), sensor_msgs.srv.SetCameraInfo)

        self.set_camera_info_service = rospy.ServiceProxy("%s/set_camera_info" % rospy.remap_name("usb_cam"), sensor_msgs.srv.SetCameraInfo)

In line 100 as well:

            for svcname in ["camera", "left_camera", "right_camera"]:

            for svcname in ["usb_cam", "left_camera", "right_camera"]:

Now, in order to run the cameracalibrator node we must specify the topics we are using:

$rosrun camera_calibration cameracalibrator.py --size 6x4 --square 0.0508 image:=/usb_cam/image_raw camera:=/usb_cam

Here is a screenshot of the program's functionality:


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