Rviz is a 3D visualization environment.
On the left hand side there is the displays list that will list the topics rviz is related to.
Target frame: reference frame for the camera view. In this case /map frame is the target frame which means that we will see the robot driving around the map.
Fixed frame: where all incoming data is transformed to before being displayed. This frame should not be moving relative to the world. In this case /map frame is he fixed frame.
The 2D Nav goal topic is /move_base_simple/goal
The 2D pose estimate topic is initialpose
All of this characteristics can be determined either directly on rviz o through a configuration file that in this case is launch/rviz_conf.vcg which is determined when running rviz node like this:
$ roscd rviz
$ ./bin/rviz -d `rosstack find sscrovers-ros-pkg`/launch/rviz_conf.vcg
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