$ roscd stage
$ ./bin/stageros
$ roscd teleop_base
$ ./teleop_base_keyboard base_controller/command:=cmd_vel
2. Check which topics are being published and subscribed to
$ rxgraph

We can see that stageros node subscribes to /cmd_vel topic of type geometry_msgs/Twist which is published by tbk_node.
3. Check the topics to which RosAria node subscribes
$ rosnode info RosAria
* /time [unknown type]
* /RosAria/cmd_vel [geometry_msgs/Twist]
* /clock [unknown type]
4. Edit teleop_base_keyboard.cpp from the teleop_base package.
$ roscd teleop_base
$ cd src
$ gedit teleop_base_keyboard.cpp
In line 82 we can see that a topic of type geometry_msgs/Twist is published by TBK_Node, therefore you need to change it to the topic to which RosAria subscribes (/RosAria/cmd_vel).
5. Copy the content of teleop_base_keyboard.cpp and create a new file in sscrovers_2dnav/src directory
$ roscd sscrovers_2dnav
$ cd src
$ gedit teleop_base_pioneer.cpp
And change line 82 as mentioned:
pub_ = n_.advertise
I also edited the max velocities in order to avoid accidents. In line 66:
double max_speed = 0.100; // m/second
Finally, I indicated in the menu (lines 135-146) which is the task of every key in accordance to the code written in lines 175-251:
puts("Reading from keyboard"); puts("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
puts("q/z : increase/decrease max angular and linear speeds by 10%");
puts("w/x : increase/decrease max linear speed by 10%");
puts("e/c : increase/decrease max angular speed by 10%"); puts("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
puts("Moving around:");
puts(" u=turn left and go forward i=go forward o=turn right and go forward");
puts(" j=turn left k=stop l=turn right");
puts(" m=turn left and go backwards ,=go backwards .=turn right and go backwards");
puts(" anything else : stop");
6. Add the new file to CMakelists.txt
$ roscd sscrovers_2dnav
$ gedit CMakelists.txt
rosbuild_add_executable(teleop_base_pioneer src/teleop_base_pioneer.cpp)
7. Compile the package
$ rosmake sscrovers_2dnav
8. Run RosAria node
9. Run teleop_base_pioneer node
$ roscd sscrovers_2dnav
$ ./teleop_base_pioneer
10. The menu with indications should be displayed and you should be able to teleoperate you Pioneer.
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