I have figured out a transform tree that avoids the previously displayed warn:
Dropped 100.00% of messages so far. Please turn the [ros.costmap_2d.message_notifier] rosconsole logger to DEBUG for more information.
What I did was the following:
1. Run the Ariaoriginal node.
2. For the odom->base_link->base_scan tf I used Pablo's tf, the one I have previously used for mapping.
3. Run gmapping in order to make the tf map-> removing the scan:=base_scan parameter.
4. Run move_base.launch.
5. Run rviz.
The actual problem is that the robot's footprint isn't positioned when I click the 2DPose Estimate button. The conflict according to rviz is that the messages from the particlecloud topic aren't being received. In order to diagnose the problem I
1.Run rostopic info in order to know more about the particlecloud topic.

2. Run rxgraph and verify that the node is actually establishing communication between amcl and rviz. I am not sure if move_base should be involved as well.
3. I run rostopic echo particlecloud and nothing is displayed meaning that, in fact, no messages are being published.
I now have to inquire on the nature of this topic.
The final observation I have is that what stopped the Dropped messages warn from being displayed was that I dind't run the sicklms topic which I thik shouldn't be happening since the localization might use information from the laser as the tf tree includes it's frame. I might be wrong, however, and discover that only odometry is needed.
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